Norse-American Centennial

Archival Resources at NAHA

Norse-American Centennial Digital Collections 

Coming soon! Explore correspondence, minutes, reports, clippings, photographs, and more of the 1925 Centennial Celebration. Funding to digitize a portion of the Norse-American Centennial papers provided to the Norwegian-American Historical Association through the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, a component of the Minnesota Clean Water, Land and Legacy constitutional amendment, ratified by Minnesota voters in 2008.

Other NAHA Archival Collections

The archives are home to an extensive manuscript collection that includes letters, diaries, journals and ledgers, newspaper clippings, obituaries, congregational records, family and local histories, and other resources related to Norwegians in America. The collection also includes photographs illustrating many aspects of Norwegian-American history. 

Collections about the Centennial, people involved, or ideas brought up in the exhibit include, but are not limited to: 

Norwegian-American Studies

Since 1926, the Norwegian-American Historical Association has detailed and interpreted the Norwegian American experience in its journal, Norwegian-American Studies. The journal is dedicated to showcasing the best work being done in the field of Norwegian-American studies, including the related fields of history, literature, religion, art, and cultural studies. The journal aims to not only publish scholarship on Norwegian-American life, but also facilitate intellectual exchange by publishing original research articles alongside discussions of scholarly works in progress, the teaching and learning of Norwegian-American studies, reviews of books recently published in the field, and more.

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