
Ski for Light

Ski for Light, a nonprofit organization that provides opportunities for visually impaired and mobility-impaired people to experience skiing, was founded in 1975. They provide cross-county skiing programs, and pair each person with an experienced, sighted cross-country skier. The motto for the organization, which was inspired by Erling Stordahl, is "If I can do this, I can do anything!"

The group’s annual event takes place at different locations across the United States and, like the Birkebeiner in Wisconsin, it builds on a ski event that was first held in Norway. Erling Stordahl, a blind Norwegian musician, is credited with the idea of giving blind people assistance to ski. His efforts led to the creation in 1964 of the Ridderrennet, or “Knights’ Race,” which is held at Beitostølen in the Valdres region of Norway.

In 1975, Olav Pedersen, a ski instructor at the Breckenridge Ski Resort and Barne Eikevik, the International President of Sons of Norway, launched Ski for Light that was inspired by the Ridderrennet. Olav Pedersen knew Erling Stordahl in Norway and went to him to get advice on how to launch a similar organization in the US. 

The name, Ski for Light, came from Erling Stordahl from a metaphor in Peer Gynt. In Peer Gynt, a Norwegian Knight (part of the ridderrennet) needed to escape. He came to an abyss, and without knowing if he would safely make it, leaped with faith and succeeded. After the first event in Frisco (Colorado), the name changed from Race for Light to Ski for Light to emphasize the recreational nature of the program and deemphasize the racing aspects. To this day, Ski for Light is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Sons of Norway Headquarters. 

The Ski for Light papers housed in the NAHA archives contain the organizational materials from the corporation as well as photographs, memorabilia, clippings, public relations information and other material related to the organization and their events. To view the physical materials, contact the NAHA archivist for more information. 

Sources to explore:
Ski for Light records, 1975-2017
Brochure from Ski for Light, circa 1980

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