Hei hei! NAHA is currently undating our archival catalog. Some finding aids are currently unavailable. Please contact the NAHA archivist with any questions.



Useful Genealogy Resources

NAHA Archival Material

The NAHA Archives can be a rich resource of information for family historians and genealogists. Although the focus of NAHA is the Norwegians after they arrived in America, and is historical in nature rather than strictly genealogical, you may find its resources helpful in your research.

The Norwegian American Genealogical Center and Naeseth Library, 415 West Main Street, Madison, WI 53703, maintains a library devoted to Norwegian American genealogical research.

Genealogical Materials in the NAHA Archives

Reference Works

The following genealogical and reference materials are located in the Reference Room of the Rølvaag Library.

Genealogical and Historical Collection of the Rølvaag Library