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Showing 17–32 of 49 results
Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen
$15.00 -
Immigrant Idealist: A Literary Biography of Waldemar Ager, Norwegian American
$18.00 -
Interpreting the Promise of America: Essays in Honor of Odd Sverre Lovoll
$24.95 -
John A. Johnson: An Uncommon American
$15.00 -
Land of the Free: Bjornstjerne Bjornson’s America Letters, 1880-1881
$20.00 -
Marcus Thrane: A Norwegian Radical in America
$15.00 -
Material Culture and People’s Art Among the Norwegians in America
$30.00 -
Muus vs. Muus: The Scandal that Shook Norwegian America
$29.95 -
New Land New Lives: Scandinavian Immigrants to the Pacific Northwest
$24.95 -
Nordics in America: The Future of Their Past
$20.00 -
Norwegian Americans and the Politics of Dissent, 1880-1924
$20.00 -
Norwegian-Yankee: Knute Nelson and the Failure of American Politics, 1860-1923
$30.00 -
Norwegians in Minnesota
$13.95 -
Norwegians on the Prairie: Ethnicity and the Development of the Country Town
$32.95 -
On Both Sides of the Ocean: A Part of Per Hagen’s Journey
$10.00 -
Paintings by Minnesotans of Norwegian Background 1870-1970